i. i'm NATE. i'm 22 and from KANSAS CITY. at the moment i live in IOWA CITY. and before that there was JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA
ii. i DID go to school. i WILL go to school. but i DON'T go to school. i'm a delivery driver. seriously
iii. [email protected] is the email address. you can bother me on the IM thing at screename TENACIOUS N. i APPRECIATE random messages. ENTERTAIN me
iv. i take pictures of THINGS, BANDS, and most importantly MYSELF
v. i only UPDATE once or twice a month, so don't feel the need to visit this site very often. if it takes me longer to update then that, please HARASS me via email/im. really, it works
vi. updates are several paragraphs about MUSIC, MOVIES and WACKY ADVENTURES. most of it is NONSENSE. to the right of updates will be some more LINKS to more totally stupid shit
vii. updates will be accompanied by MUSIC. these MP3s are in 128kbps, and stick around until the next update when they are REPLACED by even cooler music
viii. most of the time it's gonna be INDIE ROCK. i hope you like indie rock. you should totally EMAIL me if you have a suggestion of a song to throw up here